Fandom Commentary : Infinity War Part 1

VM : Vance McCarty(Jacob)

WS : WiseSage (Josh)

R : Raven (Ginny)

RL : Red Lanyard (Al)

Disclaimer : This is purely for the enjoyment of us and our readers. All pictures used are owned by Disney/Marvel unless otherwise stated.

VM : Welcome to the last of the Avengers Fandom Commentaries! Thank you all so much for Joining us again!

Tonight we’re offering up our thoughts on Avengers : Infinity War. This one is probably going to be the most interesting of the commentaries because if I remember our initial reactions : Al and Myself loved the Movie.

Ginny hated the movie.

And Josh hated the last 10 minutes. So this will be very interesting to discuss especially after the film itself.

A word before we get started? I know that Josh is working on Something special for the opening so he’ll be a second. Al? Ginny?

RL : I am excited to hear what Ginny and Josh have to say about it. I thought it was a great adaptation; in particular, the Thanos we get in this is an astronomically better character than his comic book counterpart.

VM : I fully agree. It is arguably my favorite change that the MCU has made.

RL (After a full 6 minutes of Ginny saying nothing) : Can’t wait to read this novel!

VM : Samesies.

R : Idk. My opinion will surely change after watching it again. Im positive it aged better…or hoping it did, anyway. When i watched it the first time, I found the entire movie annoying. I didn’t recognize any of the characters i had been following for the last decade, they all seemed unlike themselves and it bugged me. Which i guess is the way its supposed to be? Idk. It wasn’t an enjoyable film.

And of course, Loki dying within the first 10 mins is rough. He has the worst death scene in my opinion.

No novel from me, i was just having trouble finding the words lol

WS : Apart from my standard introduction, I want to start my remarks by saying that I have never been more conflicted by a movie than I have been about Infinity War. Jake will think I’m referring to the end, but I’m not. The last 10 minutes are crap, and we can discuss it then. I am instead referring to the fact that this is not an Avengers movie.

Every other movie we have watched has focused on the Steve/Tony dynamic, almost to the detriment of other characters in the series. This is not the case at all with Infinity War, which instead focuses on the absence of that dynamic. So in place of our normal mismatched odd couple, we are given a movie that focuses on Thanos.

This is a curious decision. On one hand, it makes the movie something of a slog, because we are watching a guy do horrible things and justify them for 2 and a half hours. It’s so bad, that one could argue Thanos is the protagonist of this movie. In fact, Ginnys main problem with this movie for awhile was that very fact.

I’m not sure this is a great decision, because it seems as if the Russos almost side with Thanos. Almost like they are saying “He has a point.” And that’s a problem, because Thanos isnt Michael Corleone fighting for his family, or Shylock fighting racism. Instead, hes an incel who decides that cold rationalizations are more important than people.

But at the same time, that is what makes Thanos so brilliant in this movie. He is a reflection of the casual nihilism that every person in America is somewhat guilty of. Every single time you have quoted Dwight saying, “We need another plague,” or have scornfully looked at someone who has no right being a mother and said “some people shouldn’t reproduce,” the Russos take that and throw it in your face with Thanos.

And that is genius. Thanos is thought of as the protagonist, because instead of being the Mad Titan, as he is in comics, he is instead a miasma of the little selfish thoughts so many of us have daily. But, the movie suffers for that brilliance because in order to achieve its themes, it means we are stuck with Thanos and his philosophy for 2 plus hours. Which means that this is the first of the movies we have watched that is not aspirational, unless, once again, you aspire to be an incel with nihilistic thoughts.

Rant over.

VM : Whoa, some pretty heavy thoughts right out of the gate. Alright, let’s get started with the film.

WS : I will be looking for Ginny to point out where the characterizations are off, because I disagree entirely. Every character arc makes sense to me post Civil War.

RL : I will say that Star Lord does not feel like himself to me, and not just when they’re on Titan.

R : Ill point them out when i see them. But as i said at the beginning, my opinion might change. I havent watched this movie in a year.

RL : Big Mood Opening

R : Loki is very much himself here.

More himself than he has been, honestly.

VM : I will say that this movie is definitely the weirdest one Tonally.

WS : So here is what I’m talking about: this is what happens after the ha ha antics of Ragnarok.

R : To quote the pussycat dolls “i hate this part right here…”

RL : First point, I would like to know where Valkyrie is.

I do like the religious tone that Maw sets in regards to Thanos.

VM : Well they make mention that Valkyrie escapes with the living half of asgard.

R : Yes.

RL : They do?

VM : Not to her specifically, but Thor says that they get away.

RL : When does he say that?

WS : To Rocket.

VM : When he gets with the Guardians. I’ll point it out.

R : 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔

VM : Hiddleston deserved better than to die during the opening in my opinion.

R (With scorn and anger in her voice) : Obviously

WS : Sets the tone, though, for the most perfect unsatisfying movie ever.

RL : That’s honestly a great scene with the hulk.

Both the fight choreography and his getting manhandled.

VM : I agree. Showcases Thanos right at the beginning.

RL : And of course, Heimdall with one final clutch move.

WS : Where did he get the first stone?

VM : Xandar. He kills the Nova Corps.

R : Ohhh Yeah

WS : When is that told?

RL : Which could set up a really cool Nova Origin Story.

VM : That’s also Mentioned during the Thor/Guardians Scene.

RL : That scene must have flown under all of our radars.

Except Jacob Apparently.

VM : Thank you, Al.

R : I’m gonna close my eyes now.

WS : Ginny won’t look.

RL : Have we ever seen Loki attempt a direct attack without a body double?

VM : No, it’s his last ditch effort.

R : It’s why I think he’s still alive.

I mean, literally the worst death scene in the film.

RL : Definitely the most gruesome

VM : It does continue the tone and theme of this movie that Thanos can and will beat anyone.

RL : Probably the most gruesome in the MCU.

R : I agree.

VM : Bruce playing the Silver Surfer Role in the adaptation.

RL : Also, that was really important there. That was the easiest Banner has ever come out of the Hulk persona

R : Ohhh True!

RL : Suggesting that Hulk was really REALLY eager to GTFO

WS : Freaking Pepper.

R : Ok, Josh. Pepper is still pepper.

The worst. Maybe her and Jane Foster can do a team up.

VM : Real quick, if there is a Time Jump in Endgame, will there be a Kid on Earth waiting for him?

R : Ohh There might be!

RL : Also, last comment about the opening: the last thing Thor tells Loki is “You really are the worst, brother”

WS : Pepper don’t care about the universe.

R : I always forget Dr Strange is semi new

VM : Yup, we know and love him but this is his first appearance to the Avengers.

Also, I do love Tony and Stephen.

R : I need more Strange and Iron Man Interactions.

RL : IF they had gotten Scarlet Witch to destroy just one of the stones, game over

Especially the Time Stone.

R : Yep. I know.

WS : I don’t think that would work, Al.

RL : Why not?

WS : The Infinity Stones are the ultimate macguffin.

If you break a stone, the other 5 are equipped to replace it. That’s comic canon, but makes sense for this movie.

RL : Bucky is Yoko.

R : Bruce’s confusion at the Avengers Breaking Up is great.

VM : Bucky is way better than Yoko.

RL : Bruce’s desperation in “Thanos is coming” deserves an Oscar in itself

VM : I fully agree! Ruffalo kills this role!

R : Shoulda placed the damn call

WS : Quick aside, he carries the phone with him, which is great.

VM : I’ve always enjoyed the set up for this scene.

Especially this shot of them on the street helping people

RL : I’m a sucker for small moments in superhero movies of them just helping people

VM : Thank God it’s not a Zack Snyder movie.

R : They would have kicked them if it were

Spideyyyy! About to do the thing

RL : Great little rep of spider sense

Stan the man.

WS : Too bad Spidey will only have 20 minutes in the next movie.

R : I cant wait til that guy dies.

VM : I love that Tony just interrupts him.

R : Hulk is terrified

VM : The Russos say that he’s not scared here and that it’s something that will come to light in Endgame.

RL : My personal theory for Hulk is that Thanos knew his MO, and during their fight he damages his brain to suppress his anger reaction. Just a fun little theory that shows Thanos’s prep-game.

You see him take a lot of shots at the adrenal glands and the head.

VM : That’s a very interesting Theory.

R : I like that theory

VM : Tony unveils the perfect Iron Man suit!

R : I think Tony didnt immediately wanna do that, because of Pepper.
Just wanted to point that out.

WS : But does Pepper know?

VM : Probably not.

R : No, thats my point.
Shes gonna be all “huh. You have another suit? Wooooow”

VM : We don’t deserve Ruffalo as Banner.

WS : We dont deserve Tom Holland.

VM : Agreed.

RL : Cape is the best Boy.

VM : Wong gets the Win!

RL : Too bad they didnt do that to thanos’ head 🤷🏻‍♀️

VM : Supposedly it wouldn’t have worked due to him being more powerful than Cull Obsidian.

WS : Plus Thanos has the Reality stone.

RL : Here it comes!

WS : Are we not going to get the Iron Man/Spidey movie we deserve?

RL : IRON SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that isn’t even its final form

R : Lol.

Miss Potts.

WS : What does Pepper want from him?

RL : Retirement

VM : Tony losing both Pepper and Friday in that scene is gold from RDJ.

WS : Does she know of other superheroes?

R : “Tony I swear to god if you dont get back here, im gonna go on oprah and complain about you being a hero that saved the world”

RL : Wong Out.

VM : Dude! Our first appearance of the Guardians on the Commentary

RL : Here come all of our favorite Guardians and one mystery man pretending to be Peter Quill

VM : So glad we’ll get the Guardians 3 we deserve.

WS : Another guy I wish we’d get more than 20 minutes of in the next movie.

That’s not gonna stop by the way.

VM : Oh, I know, Josh.

R : Freaking Faux Groot

VM : I totally understand Peter in this movie. He doesn’t do anything that isn’t classical Star Lord.

RL : I love that they all learn to speak Groot

WS : Remember that fun movie Ragnarok?

R : Leave ragnorak aloneee

VM : No, I see where Josh is coming from.

The switch from Ragnarok to Infinity War is incredibly jarring.

RL : I remember that Ragnarok was super fun and could also not let a serious moment breathe

R : I mean, yeah. But i still liked it.

RL : I did too.

But that did hold it back for me.

R : Meh.
I guess.
This movie is jarring regardless

VM : I also agree with Al about Ragnarok.

RL : I wish we got more of eye patch Thor

VM : Oh yeah, here’s the scene.

You can’t tell me that this scene isn’t Star Lord.

RL : Bradley Cooper is such a talented voice actor.

WS : Dude, we dont deserve Chris Pratt.

R : This is such an awkward scene to me.

There it is.

VM : “Decimated Xandar”

“Half my People”

I love that Rocket knows about Nidavellir.

RL : I have trouble believing Valkyrie would’ve peaced out

R : I think to protect her people she would.

VM : I don’t think she did. I think she was saving everyone else.

RL : Save them from what? Thanos was already going to let them survive

VM : Still though, he’s very clearly Dangerous and they would need a Protector like Valkyrie to lead them.

RL : Idk man, makes more sense to me for Thor, who actually knew the people, to stay with them than Valkyrie, who had been MIA for what, centuries?

VM : Yes, Al, But Valkyrie’s time to shine isn’t here yet.

Also, quick aside, The Russos/Markus and McFeely do a fantastic job of writing characters that have been established elsewhere. I.E. Guardians, Doctor Strange, Hulk and Thor. I feel like everyone here is still very well represented.

RL : How convenient

VM : Plus, she’s slated to appear in Endgame.

RL : OK, i get that, but things need to line up in-movie as well as real life contracts and planned appearances

WS : Good lord Al. Thor was like “Valkyrie get them to safety.”

Valkyrie was like, “Not without you.”

Then Thor said, “Asgard is a people not a place.”

Happy? Geez.

RL : Never.

Until I see Vison and Wanda ❤

VM : Some people have complained about Olsen dropping her accent from Age Of Ultron.

R : It’s odd.

VM : I actually like it though.

It’s there but it’s more subtle.

R : I guess in a way thats realistic though.

VM : Wanda is incredible.

WS : Yes she is.

Too bad Wanda only gets 20 minutes in the next movie.

RL : I feel like this is relatively simplistic depiction of her powers and she still kicks ass

(The following 2 Messages occurred at the exact same time. Literally as soon as we saw them hit the train station.)

R : Guys.
Bearded cap is a coming.

VM : Oh man, my favorite scene is coming.

R : Dis Bish.

VM : What are they gonna do?

They’re overpowered!

They have no help!


R : Shivers

VM : He caught the spear!!!


WS : Dont forget Widow.

VM : I never forget Black Widow.

R : Black Widow is so cool.

RL : Shouldn’t she be riding a motorcycle?

R : Yes. A Flaw.

RL : Just, just shoot them Falcon.

Movie could’ve been 45 minutes shorter if falcon had just had an itchy trigger finger.

R : Ah yes. The orgin story of the little girl he “loves”

RL : Let’s not forget that as well written as he is, Thanos is still insane.

R : Kick him in the nuts, gamora.

VM : I agree with both of the previous statements.

RL : That’s why I think his character works so well in this: he is the epitome of “every villain thinks they’re the hero of their story.”

This is absolutely the little girl that thanos loves. That love is insane and selfish and irrational, but to thanos that’s how love is.

R : Yeah, yeah. I know. Josh has said the same thing 🙃

WS : Over and Over.

VM : He really hashas.

R : It still annoys me though.

WS : Cap gives us the counterpoint later.

RL : Good scene with Gamora and Quill here.

VM : When she shudders before saying “Swear to me on your mother”

These are all phenomenal performances.

RL : Drax learns Invisibility from Groot.

I freaking love the Knowhere scene, it has such high utility.

VM : Even Benicio Del Toro is great with his 5 minutes.

R : How did none of them realize the thud he would make?

VM : It happened so fast.

RL : Careful Ginny, Josh will give you a snarky answer to something like that

R : I’m used to that.

RL : God, the manipulation on thanos’s part to go to that length in this charade

So in theater I thought that was actual death for mantis and drax

He Boomed Me

VM : Both of those horrifying moments are straight from the comics.

RL : Exactly.

VM : Chris Pratt, Man.

RL : Such a great scene.

R : Before this movie, gamora always struck me as someone who didnt let emotions get the best of her.

WS : Gamora doesnt Ginny. She asked Quill to kill her. What are you talking about?

R : How shes all sad that she “killed” evil stepdaddy.

VM : I read it as she’s just overtly emotional after everything she’s been through with Thanos.

RL : Who is that?

R : And idk. Do they explain who he is later?

VM : Even War Machine changes his mind on the accords.

R : Ohhhh cap hates Ross.

I do too though.

VM : “Earth just lost her best defender”

RL : Bruce and Nat ❤

Wanda after scars and scars of the loss of human life.

WS : “We dont trade lives, Vision.”

R : I know its irrelevant, but i genuinely like black widows hair in this movie.

RL : Wakanda!

WS : Too bad we will only see T’Challa for 20 minutes in the next movie.

VM : I love the title of “White Wolf”

WS : Too bad he will only have that title for 20 minutes in the next movie.

R : Bucky is so dreamy in this movie.


This one is so long that we’re actually splitting it into 2 parts! Part 2 is on the way!

About Jacob Hardesty

Jacob Vance Hardesty is the Editor-In-Chief of The Fandom Correspondents and is currently working on a book of Short Stories as well as a full length novel. He loves Comics, Movies, Music and Video Games. Really, he just loves good storytelling in any fashion it can be received.

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