Why the “Spider-Man Controversy” Doesn’t Bother Me.

On September 4th, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are going to drop their latest game which is Marvel’s Avengers. It’s basically going to be Destiny + Superheroes. The concept was intriguing to me and having played about an hour of the Beta, it looks great and is really fun to play. Now, that being said, not everything has been smooth sailing for them. The one I’m focusing on today involves our favorite Web-Slinger. Sony made a deal where Spider-Man would be a Playstation Exclusive Character. Now, a lot of people have been freaking out about this and personally, I didn’t really care until Someone compared Square to EA….and Lo, the Correspondent felt a mighty need to speak his mind.

Square was up front about this.

So, I understand that E3 is technically a dying fixture in the world of gaming but was I one of the few people who watched Square’s Demo for this game last year? Did everyone boot up the beta and Say “Whoa, I’ve never seen this opening sequence before!” Cause I distinctly remember them saying that Spider-Man was going to be PS4 exclusive. People are acting like they dropped this on us and I promise you that they didn’t. This was something that has been in the works since 2018. Which leads me to my next part…

Spider-Man already was exclusive to PS4.

I’m just assuming once again that People forgot about this little Game Of The Year contender called Spider-Man. It was a decent title but I guess it was a hidden gem. Who knew? Anyway, it was a PS4 exclusive to and was actually the beginning of what they’re calling the “Gamerverse” which means that the Spider-Man who appears in the 2018 game and the one who appears in Avengers are one and the same. It’s literally a crossover and there’s even a reference to Avengers in Spider-Man(Whenever you go to Avengers Tower, he’ll say something about them moving to the west coast. Most people, myself included, thought it was a nod to The West Coast Avengers but then we see in the opening of the game that The Avengers have actually relocated to San Francisco.) So, doesn’t it make sense for him to be a PS4 exclusive? Were you up in arms when Kratos was a PS3 Exclusive to Mortal Kombat 9? Yeah, probably not because Fighting games do this all the time. It’s a part of it.

4 to 1 : PS4

Let’s look at it from this perspective. You’re working on a game and Someone from Sony says, “We’ve had a history of good relations and if you make Spider-Man exclusive, then you can have this check.” Why would you not take it? Especially when Xbox users will get every other character and honestly, I don’t blame Square on this decision. PS4 has outsold Xbox 4 to 1 and people have had plenty of time to get a PS4 to play all of the amazing games on it. Including, but not limited to, Spider-Man.

Square Enix is not EA

As previously stated, this was the main reason I decided to write this article. People comparing Square Enix to EA is one of the most egregious things I’ve ever read. For those of you who don’t know, EA is a pox upon the Video Game industry. They’ve all but ruined BioWare as a studio, They nearly destroyed the Star Wars franchise of Video Games(Which is still recovering due to the hard work of the people at Dice and Respawn Entertainment) and that’s before we even get into how many studios they’ve bought and absorbed just to shut down.(RIP Visceral) What People are comparing this to is to EA’s treatment of Microtransactions and Pay to Win gaming during the release of Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, I don’t think people understand or remember what that game was like at the beginning or how bad the loot system was in that game. Now, apparently there are some form of Microtransactions in Avengers but supposedly they’re all cosmetic related much like Overwatch, I personally have never cared about Loot Boxes and credit grinds when it comes to Cosmetics because to me that isn’t game breaking. Choosing to keep a character locked is not the same as Microtransactions and does not hurt the industry. If you’re the one who chose the System that is a generation away from being the next Dreamcast then that’s not Square’s fault.

…and last, but not least…

Spider-Man is not dead to you.

I mean, this was just an idiotic thing to read : “Spider-Man is dead to me” I mean, we gave Spider-Man 3 860 Millions Dollars and they rewarded us with this :

If he can survive this, he can survive anything.

About Jacob Hardesty

Jacob Vance Hardesty is the Editor-In-Chief of The Fandom Correspondents and is currently working on a book of Short Stories as well as a full length novel. He loves Comics, Movies, Music and Video Games. Really, he just loves good storytelling in any fashion it can be received.

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