Fandom Is For Everyone

It’s how we’ve ended every Podcast. It’s what I’ve said time and time again. But what does it truly mean?

This past week Sony Entertainment and Naughty Dog released The Last of Us Part II, a game that had been highly anticipated pretty much since it’s predecessor’s release in 2013. I just finished the game and when I went online to find some more insight, see what other people picked up on that I missed, check out different reviews(Including our friends at AWOI Gaming, Go give Perry, Gennie and the rest of the guys some love!) and yet, after I got through a few people that I actually enjoy and trust, I was met with the reality of the situation.

Laura Bailey is a fantastic Voice Actress. Halo, Gears Of War, Spider-Man, Metal Gear Solid…just to name a few. She was cast as Abby in The Last of Us Part II and once again delivers a stellar performance. Her character has been criticized and ridiculed for the actions she takes in the game and for the size of her arms. Let’s let that last part sink in…

Alright, we ready to move on? Cause I certainly am but I can’t! Miss Bailey has since received Death Threats and multiple complaints from people because of her character. They are graphic and I personally won’t show them on here because it can be triggering to some of our readers mental health. If you want to dive deeper then you can go look at Miss Bailey’s original tweet. Think about that though, I won’t show these words because they can be triggering to people who have lived through it and yet, she is currently living through it.

This is unacceptable. I don’t care what your thoughts are on something. Death Threats are inexcusable. Now, you might be saying “But Vance, Freedom of Speech…” and you’d be right, they absolutely have the right to say whatever they want…but it doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop fighting against them. This is a person. A beautiful Human Being who was doing her job and did a fantastic one at that and multiple members of the gaming community have attempted to degrade her and drag her through the mud and I will not stand for it. Daisy Ridley, Brie Larson, Gal Gadot, Kelly Marie Tran, Jodie Whittaker and hundreds more have faced this throughout their careers and it’s because of us in a lot of ways. We get so caught up in our love for a Fandom or how we think it’s supposed to go and then when it doesn’t we lose our minds.

If these words ever reach Laura Bailey, please don’t stop. You’re an incredible performer and you mean so much to so many people.

Now, I’m not trying to stop anyone from being Passionate but we have to remember why we love these Fandoms in the first place. Think of your childhood hero and why you loved them. My choices are typically Luke Skywalker, Captain America and Superman. Superman is the one I want to focus on here. We, here at the Fandom Correspondents, have made our thoughts on the Current DC Films well known. It’s sparked an article or two and has even caused a few arguments but that’s ok because we remain civil. I detest the decisions that Zack Snyder and David S. Goyer made as filmmakers but I certainly don’t wish ill on them. I didn’t use my voice to spew hatred. I instead used my voice to write about how I wanted better and that’s ok.

Now, I have to say this because if I don’t then my entire message is lost. Fandom is truly for everyone and if you have enjoyed any fandom/representation that I didn’t like? Perfect! It’s for you, go out and enjoy it! I didn’t but that’s ok! The most beautiful aspect of Fandom is that it can bring us together. We all go to conventions and read books and comics and watch movies and shows and we feel strong emotions because of it. That’s the draw. It makes us feel. We have to do better and we have to figure out how to control those feelings and make sure that they never cause us to lose sight of being kind to others and sharing in our mutual love of something.

Also, if you ever feel the need to threaten the Children of an actor, writer or anyone else you disagree with then Fandom is not for you. You’re literally the one exception. No amount of spin or fast talking can make this right.

My last point is that representation matters. It’s how and why Fandom Is For Everyone. No matter the color of your skin, your gender or your sexuality. There is someone out there for you to look up to…it took some time for us to get there and we’re still getting new characters to represent more people but that part of the journey isn’t over. I will always love and support the idea that everyone has someone to look up to and be inspired by. Especially for a child who feels different and finds someone they identify with. Every kid needs a hero.

Fandom is for me, Fandom is for you, Fandom is for Everyone

About Jacob Hardesty

Jacob Vance Hardesty is the Editor-In-Chief of The Fandom Correspondents and is currently working on a book of Short Stories as well as a full length novel. He loves Comics, Movies, Music and Video Games. Really, he just loves good storytelling in any fashion it can be received.

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