Clone Wars S7E8: Oh No, Rafa, oh nooo…

This episode brings an end to the “Adventures of Ahsoka and the Sombra Sisters: An Adventure in Weird Morality and Poor Spatial Perception” arc of Clone Wars. This episode was a bumpy ride, but its ending seems to point to a monumental story beat that may very well take the majority of the rest of the season. But first, all this spice business. 

This episode starts with Ahsoka cutting a deal with the Pyke Crime syndicate: give the Sombra sisters one rotation to retrieve the “hidden” spice; if it takes longer, Ahsoka will tell the Pykes where their family is (this is sneaky, you see, because their family is super dead). Pyke bites, and the Sombra sisters go on their way. Ahsoka takes this opportunity to bust out of her cell, plant charges to blow up the Pyke facility, and eavesdrop on a plot-moving hologram call that I’ll get to in a minute. But first, let’s talk about Rafa.

I think Rafa just edges out Palpatine and Zorii Bliss as my least favorite Star Wars character. Through this whole arc, Rafa’s actions and judgment have just been the worst. This is a character who runs an illegal operation for known gangsters, agrees to run spice without researching who her clients are, lies to and manipulates her sister, and acts extremely suspicious of Ahsoka’s altruism while completely ignoring the ridiculous things she is capable of doing. This trash character development is capped off by every writer’s favorite way to cap off trash character development: with a convenient redemption arc. After escaping the Pykes, Rafa is suddenly stricken by Ahsoka’s selfless act (as opposed to the disgust she had shown it at every turn up to this point) and leads an operation to rescue her. A rescue that centers on stealing more spice and going full-blown Karen on some dock workers who are probably just trying to get by and support their families. After bullying these dock workers and straight-up murdering their Trandoshan supervisor (it’s cool because we’re supposed to hate lizard people; you know, because of their appearance), Rafa and Trace return to the Pykes and consequently get captured again along with Ahsoka. 

Let’s back up a little, because I cannot let the Pyke leader’s hologram call that Ahsoka spies on go by without comment. I personally adore the Star Wars shows, but man do they get into the habit of treating very logical story progressions as big, mystifying reveals. After cutting the deal with Ahsoka, the Pyke leader Marg Krim comments to his bodyguard that they have to get this spice back or else “He’ll know. He always knows.” 

Clone Wars Writer: “Oooohh, who is he talking about??” 

Me: “Darth Maul, probably.” 

CWW: “Ooooohh, is he though? It could be anybody!”

Me: “No, Maul is really the only person that makes sense.”

CWW: “Ope, well, we’ll just have to wait and see!” 

We wait about 20 seconds and see Ahsoka eavesdropping on Marg’s hologram call with his presumed boss. This figure is tall and wears a black hooded robe. 

CWW: “Oh, oh wow, oh man, who is this mysterious person?!?” 

Me: “…I mean it’s obviously Darth Ma–”


Me: “I mean, yeah.” 

Everyone’s favorite cyborg Darth Maul makes a comment about how if Marg cannot manage his operation then surely Crimson Dawn can manage it for them (hey look, everyone; Solo: A Star Wars Story really is canon, who would’ve guessed?). Ahsoka traces the call back to Mandalore, wonders briefly what Maul is doing there, and then gets captured by Pyke. Darth-ja vu (I hated this joke as soon as I typed it). 

Pyke reveals that Ahsoka is a Jedi, Rafa and Trace are inexplicably blown away despite the incredible Force powers she has repeatedly used in front of them, and all seems lost until the explosives Ahsoka set blow up and they are able to make their escape. Rafa, overwhelmed with compassion and gratefulness (makes sense, it’s the first time she’s experienced both) remark that Ahsoka is the kind of Jedi she always hoped existed. Just as they all go for a group hug, Mandalorian Death Watch commander Bo-Katan approaches them and tells Ahsoka she needs her help to take down a common enemy, Dar–

CWW: “Ooooohh, who’s it gonna be–”

Me: “STOP IT! Stop it, you’re not clever. Everyone paying attention knows it’s Darth Maul. Just write the storyline already.” 

With the Sombra Sisters arc coming to a close, I’m happy to put it behind us. It honestly felt like a far-too convoluted distraction to set up some pretty basic story elements, but at the same time I’m ready for this season to fully hit its stride and make the wait worth it. Let’s look forward to dope lightsaber fights, relevant events, and much more interesting characters in the weeks to come. 

By the way, they never explain what Rafa did with that new shipment of spice they stole. Hmmm. 

About Al

Al is a content creator for Fandom Correspondents. His primary interests include anime that make him sad, video games that make him angry, and comic books that make him question his value as a person. Also, Spider-Man.

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