Star Wars Retrospectives : A New Hope

With The Rise Of Skywalker on the way in December I decided to do retrospectives on each of the films. I am going in the order of the story which means we’re continuing on with A New Hope. The film came out in 1977 and the world would truly never be the same. I wouldn’t be writing these articles. Honestly, this site might not even exist if it wasn’t for this film. I’ll never forget when my Brother brought me the Micro Machines toys of Luke’s X-Wing and Darth Vader’s Tie-Fighter when the film was rereleased in 1997. It’s one of my earliest memories and it’ll always stay with me. Shortly after that, I finally saw the original trilogy for the first time and I’ll admit that I don’t really remember watching them. The story of Star Wars has honestly been with me longer than I can remember really. My love for it has never really faded and I don’t think it ever will.

Most of us should know this one by heart but naturally we open up with that Shot of the Tantive IV with the Star Destroyer chasing behind it. This is when we’re first introduced to C-3PO and R2-D2, bickering as they do. R2-D2 is given a special mission and this is when we are introduced to Princess Leia, the legendary princess of our hearts. She gives R2 the death star plans and then basically runs off to distract the stormtroopers so R2-D2 and C-3PO can get away safely. I’ve always liked that R2 lead and 3PO basically just follows behind. R2 is the true hero because he was going to get to Obi-Wan no matter what. Leia’s next scene is actually improved by Rogue One because we now know that she’s just straight lying to Vader’s face even though he just saw them take off with the plans. Vader’s obviously pitch perfect as the main villain here. His role is proof that you don’t need a lot of screentime to be effective as a Villain. He only has 12 minutes of screentime in this film but his presence is felt over every scene and it’s why he’s remembered as this huge part of Episode IV. He tells his officers to follow the escape pod down and find the plans. The empire is one step behind them pretty much this entire film.

When 3PO and R2 get down to the planet’s surface they end up being taken in by Jawas. The Jawas are traders and the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve hated the way that Droids are treated in this universe. Maybe that’s why I like L3-37 so much in Solo…Anyway, they’re lined up to be inspected by Owen Lars.(Yup, just don’t think too much about it. Episode I makes a bit more sense in hindsight.) He’s joined by his Nephew, Luke Skywalker. Ah, here we go. Luke is one of my favorite characters in the entirety of Fandom. I think I love him so much because of his Journey from A New Hope to The Last Jedi…and whatever his capacity in this weekend’s The Rise Of Skywalker will be. Here we see him as the young boy. He wants adventure and excitement, but instead he just gets moisture farming and chores. All of his friends leave to join the academy and it’s one of the more interesting things to think about is what would’ve happened if Luke had joined the Imperial Academy and became a Tie Fighter Pilot. Would Vader have found him sooner? Would the Emperor? Who knows. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen because Poor Luke is stuck on the farm for one more harvest.

While Cleaning R2,  he uncovers the Message for Obi-Wan and in enthralled by Leia. He immediately picks up on the name of Obi-Wan, assuming that he’s related to Ben Kenobi. R2 basically tricks Luke into taking off his restraining bolt and then runs off while Luke goes to have dinner with Aunt and Uncle. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru deserve a lot better in my opinion but we’ll get to that in a bit. When Luke mentions Obi-Wan, they both share a glance with each other. Owen tells him to take R2 to have his memory erased and that he should forget it. Luke gets angry and walks off and then we have one of the most iconic scenes of the entire series. Luke looking out at the Binary Sunset. It’s a very small scene but it shows so much about his character. He wants to be anywhere but here. He just gets more than he bargained for once he finds out that R2 ran off.

He and C-3PO chase after R2 and they find him right before being attacked by Tusken Raiders. This leads to another classic post film controversy. You thought CGI Yoda was bad? Well welcome to Obi-Wan’s scream. Now, that video doesn’t show every different version and I think the first version is actually the 1997 Rerelease but still, I will always prefer the older version for effect but will always love the newer version for how utterly ridiculous of a change it is. Either way, now we get to see Obi-Wan. He’s always been one of my favorite characters and he always will be. Alec Guiness does a phenomenal job here as is to be expected from such a classical actor. He creates the the very idea of a Jedi so well. He longs for a better time and he wants to go back to it but everything he ever fought for is gone and that’s why he’s out here in the middle of nowhere, but maybe, just maybe…This new boy could be what is needed to save the galaxy.

They go back to Obi-Wan’s house and he tells Luke about the Jedi, The Force and even tells him about his father. Although, it’s not entirely the truth…but we’ll get to that two articles from now. R2 plays the Message for Obi-Wan and they learn about the plans for The Death Star. I’ve always loved how after Obi-Wan hears the message he basically turns to Luke and is like : “Oh yeah, speaking of which…” He just immediately tells him he should become a Jedi and as Luke gives him excuse after excuse, Obi-Wan basically guilts him into it with “You must do what you feel is right, of course.” It’s one of my favorite lines ever and My brother and I use it constantly.

Following that we get one of the most iconic scenes of Darth Vader. Basically all of the Imperial Officers are sitting around and discussing the missing plans and one of them insults Vader and he just starts choking him and says :

It’s a great scene and is followed by Obi-Wan and Luke finding that the Empire slaughtered the Jawas…which means that they would’ve found out who they sold them to. Luke rushes home and finds his Aunt and Uncle murdered by the empire. He returns and tells Obi-Wan that he’ll follow him because there’s nothing for him now. Luke and Obi-Wan go to Mos Eisley and visit the cantina and this is where we get to see so many different species of the universe and we get to see Obi-Wan use his lightsaber for the first time. It’s a classic scene but then it gets even better because then we get to meet Han Solo and Chebacca. They’re the best pilots around even though neither Luke or Obi-Wan has heard of either of them or the Millennium Falcon. Han is really just so smooth and in this scene. He’s the smuggler we know him to be now and I love how he defends the Falcon as the fastest ship in the galaxy. They ultimately agree on taking them to Alderaan for 17000 Credits, which Han plans on using to pay off his debt with Jabba. Of course this is also where we get the original Star Wars Controvery. Did Han Shoot First? Well if you watch it on Disney+ then Greedo definitely does and in this version, he apparently insults Han beforehand, I guess to further solidify that Han had all the reason to defend himself. I personally never cared if Han blasted Greedo because Han’s not the hero the way that Luke is. They escape the imperial forces just as they’re closing in on them and here’s where we get to see the Falcon take it’s first flight of the films.

Unfortunately, we then watch as the Empire destroy Alderaan with the Death Star. This scene is so tragic especially once you see what Alderaan looks like in Episode III. It’s beautiful and peaceful, just like Leia said. It was her home and now the empire has taken that too. Obi-Wan feels it in the force while Luke is practicing his Lightsaber skills with the Training droid. Luke is slowly learning more and more about the force. Han watches on and laughs when the training droid shoots Luke. He tells him that he doesn’t believe in the force and that’s when Obi-Wan suggests that Luke tries again while basically being blindfolded for lack of a better term. Luke is able to block more of the bolts this time because he actually tried to use the force. Obi-Wan tells him he just took his first step into a larger world.

When they get to Alderaan, they realize that it’s been destroyed but before they can turn away, they get pulled into the Tractor Beam of the Death Star. They’re able to sneak out of the falcon and find a control room so they can figure out how to turn the tractor beam off and escape. Obi-Wan goes off to take out the tractor beam and Luke and Han are supposed to stay put…which they do until they hear about Leia being there and Luke convinces Han to help him save her. I love the consistent contrast between Luke and Han. Han just doesn’t really care about anything besides getting paid and Luke is eager and wants to help save Leia and the rebellion. Ultimately Han agrees and they basically plan on using Chewbacca as a fake prisoner so they can get inside the detention area and save her. I’ve always like how their plan is rather simple but also effective, plus listening to them pretend to be afraid of Chewbacca is great.

While this is happening, Obi-Wan and Darth Vader basically have the best game of Hide and Seek ever. Luke rescues Princess Leia and they start to run out when more Stormtroopers begin to attack the detention block. They have a great shootout when Leia has the idea of going out through the garbage chute. This leads to one of the best scenes of the film, a creature(The Dianoga) pulls Luke under the water which is really disgusting the more you think about what could be in there. It let’s him go when it realizes that the Trash Compactor is about to start, well…compacting. Our heroes are about to be crushed and they’re fighting so hard until finally remembers that R2-D2 and C-2PO are in a control room and can help them out, they’re able to get it shut off in time and are saved. They exit the garbage and head back towards the Falcon. But not before being chased by Stormtroopers, Han and Chewbacca basically make the troopers follow them while Luke and Leia run the other way.

Then, we finally come to it. Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader. Now, many people will tell you that this fight is boring and I will readily admit that it’s not nearly as exciting as some of the others but that doesn’t make it bad by any means. Obi-Wan and Darth Vader have been waiting for this rematch. I’ve always loved that the Stormtroopers treated this like it was some kind of Jedi Fight Club and just walked over there and until Luke screamed, they forgot that they had any kind of job to do. Obi-Wan sacrificing himself is something that has always intrigued me but I think it’s because he knew that Luke didn’t really need him anymore. It was his time to move on and become one with the force. Plus, now he could always be with Luke. The escape from the Death Star is pretty great and I’ve always loved the dog fight with the Ties. Plus it helps to solidify the group together, especially afterwards when you have Leia and Han arguing and Luke coming in between them.

When they get to Yavin IV, they immediately start planning for the battle against the Death Star. This is the scene that made me fall in love with Star Wars. As I said previously in the Rogue One piece, I love X-Wings and this is where that comes from. This scene also has a great moment between Luke and R2-D2 where the technicians ask him if he wants another unit that isn’t so beat and he says “Not on your life.” The actual fight itself was revolutionary in so many ways here. It’s got the great visuals which are stunning in every version of the film, the sounds are absolutely perfect and even the pacing of the battle is great. It doesn’t drag and it never stops being exciting. The scene of course is also famous for both “The Force is Strong With This One” and “Use The Force, Luke.” Darth Vader is in his tie chasing after the different X-Wings and is just destroying people left and right. Luke begins to make his attack run and he hears Obi-Wan in his head telling him to trust in the force. This is a very important moment for Luke’s development as a character and we’ll cover more of it in the next one. As Luke is about to be taken out by Darth Vader, he sees that the Ties behind him were taken out by Han and Chewbacca in the Falcon. Vader’s ship goes flying off and Luke shoots the Torpedoes and destroys the Death Star.

That’s just the beginning of this fantastic series. From here, comes everything else.



John Williams

I don’t actually have a top 5 for this one so I just figured I would talk about how great John Williams is. Williams is one of the best composers in the world and in this film he gave us no less than 5 classic songs in The Main Title, The Imperial Attack, Tales Of A Jedi, Binary Sunset and Of course, The Cantina Song. That’s not even mentioning Duel Of The Fates, Battle Of The Heroes, Princess Leia’s Theme or The Imperial March. So just think about that. Williams has the ability to put you there in such a beautiful and perfect way. No matter what issues you have with any of the films, you can’t say anything against the works of Williams. He’s a masterclass with no real equal.

About Jacob Hardesty

Jacob Vance Hardesty is the Editor-In-Chief of The Fandom Correspondents and is currently working on a book of Short Stories as well as a full length novel. He loves Comics, Movies, Music and Video Games. Really, he just loves good storytelling in any fashion it can be received.

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