We know who Overwatch Hero 27 Is

Overwatch began teasing Hero 27 with a mission report summary for something called “Operation White Dome.”  Read it for yourself below.

Operation White Dome

Don’t be distracted by that Emre name just yet. He’s not important yet. The most important piece of this is that Reinhardt saved Torbjorn’s life. This act would have a lasting impact on both of their lives, as evidenced by this letter to Torbjorn’s pregnant wife, Ingrid, released the next day. The original letter is in Swedish, but below I have the English translation:

My dear Ingrid,

I know that by now you have gotten news of my injuries in our latest mission. While the descriptions may sound terrible, the doctors are quite sure I’ll make a full recovery. Even Angela came to visit me! On the matter of my arm, I promise to make it my first priority to construct a suitable prosthesis that will make everyone forget that it was ever gone. If only Angela’s dreams of tissue regeneration were a reality! I told her she should be working harder!

They tell me that you have not yet gone into labor, so I am holding out hope that I will be able to be by your side back home in Gothenburg when the time comes. Just wait a little longer for me!

You may have heard that Reinhardt is responsible for saving my life. I’ve heard the story at least four different times myself, already, each time more unbelievable than the last. Exaggerations, as you know how he can be. All the same, they’ve decided to award him a commendation for “conspicuous bravery.” Could two words better describe the big oaf?

He has been bothering me insufferably at my bedside. Half in jest, I suggested that if it would shut him up, I would allow him to name our daughter, as he has been badgering me about it these past months. He, of course, took me at my word. Truth be told, I had been considering making him her godfather, and I hope you’ll forgive me for making this decision without your consultation. We can only hope she doesn’t take after him too much.

I told him that you would have to agree to any name he chose, so let’s hope it’s a good one (though I fear that may be beyond his abilities, given some of the ridiculous names he gives the characters in his “true stories”). I’m getting sick of this hospital, so I am hoping to return soon.


In this letter there are two important pieces of information. The first is that Reinhardt would get to name Torbjorn’s unborn daughter, the second is that he would be her godfather so the two would most likely be close. Jeff Kaplan has already stated that Hero 27 has been previously teased, and we have seen Reinhard having a heart-to heart with Torbjorn’s daughter Brigitte I’m the short “Honor and Glory”. While they’re relationship doesn’t necessarily mean that this is the daughter Reinhardt named, we do have a pretty solid piece of evidence. Torbjorn Lindholm is, of course, Swedish, so one would expect his daughter to have a Swedish name. The Swedish spelling of Torbjorn’s daughter’s name is Bridgette. Brigitte is the German spelling, so we can be fairly confident she is the daughter mentioned in the letter. The next piece of evidence was released the following day. The Overwatch twitter posted this picture with the caption “I’ll knock some sense into you.”

“Slaga” Hero 27’s Weapon


Since Brigitte bears the same tattoo as her father, we know that she is a member of the Iron Clad guild, an elite group of engineers in the Overwatch universe, so it’s no surprise that she would be not only capable but interested in designing and building her own weaponry. Of course, the diagram is also in Swedish, lending even more credibility to this theory. Well, I guess it’s not really a theory. Readers, I’ve been holding out on you. Going over shreds of evidence, putting the pieces together, and combining clues with speculation as if I didn’t have proof. So now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the final nail in the coffin.


That is a tweet, quickly deleted, by the Japanese Overwatch twitter that mistakenly tweeted the file pathway instead of the image with the weapon schematics. The file name is Brigitte tease #3 so it would seem that the mystery is solved and we should be seeing another Lindholm join the roster very soon.

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